Lake Sumter Landing DUI Busts Highlight Drinking and Driving Concerns

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August 17, 2023 - Auto Accidents

A pair of drivers recently were popped within hours for driving under the influence at Lake Sumter Landing, the latest reminder of the threat posed by people who get behind the wheel while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.

A 63-year-old Maryland man was arrested on suspicion of DUI near 9 p.m. on a recent Saturday after running a stop sign at the popular waterside destination, Villages-News reports. Less than four hours later, a 59-year-old Villager driving a golf cart was charged with drunk driving after being spotted driving erratically. 

Nearly 6,000 crashes involving impaired drivers happen across the state every year, according to Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. As many as 800 people are killed in these collisions annually.

The Maryland man was driving a red sport utility vehicle with a Florida license plate when he reportedly ran a stop sign at Old Camp Road and Canal Street. He told cops that he had recently had a glass of wine and had consumed a glass of bourbon earlier in the afternoon.

His eyes were “bloodshot and glossy,” according to a police report, and he performed poorly on a field sobriety test. Nevertheless, a breath test returned a 0.00% blood alcohol content reading. The man reportedly agreed to undergo a blood test, the results of which were not immediately made public.

The golf cart driver was pulled over by police after failing to stop at two stop signs, Villages-News reports. He admitted he had been drinking beer earlier in the day but said he had stopped at least three hours earlier.

After performing poorly on field sobriety exercises, he provided breath samples that showed his blood alcohol content as high as 0.139% and 0.140%. That is significantly higher than the legal maximum of 0.08%.

Drinking and Driving Puts Everyone on the Road at Risk

Getting behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a reckless decision that can have serious and lasting consequences.

Alcohol and drugs impair decision-making and slow response time, increasing the risk of a crash. When accidents happen, they often come with significant and even life-changing injuries.

Anyone who has been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver in Florida has the right to seek compensation from those responsible for the crash. That includes money for medical bills and property damage, as well as for missed wages while recuperating and any long-term impact on earning capacity. 

To get that compensation, you have to be able to prove liability. A Villages accident attorney at our firm can help.

Drivers owe everyone else on the road a “duty of care,” which requires them to operate their vehicles in a reasonably safe manner. Those who do not live up to this standard - including by getting behind the wheel while intoxicated - are considered negligent and legally liable for any injuries that happen as a result. 

Speak With a Villages Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one has been injured in a golf cart or other crash, it is vital to seek the advice of an experienced injury attorney. Villages accident attorney Tim Babiarz has been fighting for people and families across the community for more than two decades. 

Our office is conveniently located in the Villages. We are also proud to represent clients throughout the area, including in Ocala, Leesburg, Lady Lake, Wildwood, Summerfield and beyond. Call (352) 205-7559 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with a Villages accident attorney.

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