Two Villagers Lose Licenses Over Golf Cart DUI Convictions

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October 17, 2023 - Golf Cart Accidents

A pair of The Villages residents recently lost their driving privileges after being busted for drinking and driving golf carts.

A 59-year-old Village of Duval man in late September pleaded no contest to driving under the influence, Villages-News reports. The same week, a 73-year-old Escandido Villas man also entered a no-contest plea on a DUI charge. 

The golf cart drivers reportedly will lose their license for six months, serve one year of probation and be required to perform 50 hours worth of community service apiece.

The Escandido Villas man was also injured in an accident stemming from his drinking and driving, according to Villages-News. He reportedly was ejected from his golf cart after running into a parking lot island and shrubbery.

The man told cops who greeted him at Ocala Regional Medical Center that he did not remember anything about the accident, the news outlet reports. Medical records obtained by Florida Highway Patrol were said to show that he had a blood alcohol content of 0.163% or more than twice the legal limit in Florida.

The Duval man was stopped by police officers after he was observed driving his golf cart “in an erratic manner” near Lake Sumter Landing and Lake Shore Drive, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office. He reportedly blew through at least two stop signs before being pulled over by a Sheriff’s Office deputy.

“He told the deputy he had been drinking draft beer at City Fire but claimed he had stopped drinking about three hours earlier,” Villages-News reports. The man “agreed to participate in field sobriety exercises, but struggled through the exercises, ultimately telling the deputy, ‘I can’t do it.’”

The driver provided breath samples showing that his blood alcohol content was as high as 0.140%, according to Villages-News.

Drinking and Driving Golf Carts: A Dangerous Mix

Incidents of Villagers getting behind the wheels of their golf carts while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs are all too common. 

More than 15,000 traffic accidents involving alcohol and/or drugs occur across the state every year, killing some 800 people, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. That’s not to mention the people who suffer serious and even life-changing injuries in these collisions.

Golf cart drivers and passengers are particularly at risk because the vehicles provide little physical protection from oncoming cars and other carts. Golf carts are also prone to rolling over when struck, which can cause people to be ejected and result in significant injuries.

Speak With a Villages Golf Cart Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in a golf cart or other accident, it is vital to seek the advice of an experienced injury attorney. Villages golf cart accident lawyer Tim Babiarz has been fighting for people and families across the community for more than two decades. 

Our office is conveniently located in the Villages. We are also proud to represent clients throughout the area, including in Ocala, Leesburg, Lady Lake, Wildwood, Summerfield and beyond. Call (352) 205-7559 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation with a Villages golf cart accident attorney.

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